Motto : “Be Prepared”
The children enrolled to be a member of this oldest International organisation of Scouts and Guides, of which the father of our nation M.K. Gandhi and former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru were members too, involve themselves in various community activities and reach the unreached to impart basic literacy to the underprivileged who are not educated by adopting villages in the neighbourhood.
Motto : “I Serve”
The junior Red Cross club in the school is headed by the counsellor who trains the students to do service to the needy, downtrodden and underprivileged and brings out an awareness in the society to break the barriers of casteism by fostering friendship. They play an important role for peace to prevail in the society. The counsellor with the help of the organisations like the Lions Club and Rotary club arranges for blood donation camps.
Motto : “We live to serve”
As a part of corporate social responsibility our school selects boys and girls to be trained as RSP cadets by the local traffic personnel. After getting trained these cadets are posted at different signals and turning points along with the traffic personnel to ensure safety and inculcate the habit of adhering to the traffic rules which helps in saving lives on the road.
Motto : “Never, ever give up”
The children of the chess club prove to become increasingly strong in academics as their concentration, positive thinking and decision making ability improve and they exhibit their optimum potential. The children of the club are given rigorous training by the experts and stalwarts from external clubs during school hours as they grow up to excel in the game with the dream of becoming Viswanathan Anand of the future.
Thirumalai Nagar,First main road, Sembakkam,
Chennai – 600064.
Tamil Nadu , India .
Phone : 044- 22231150, 7299007453
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